Boulders-The Spring Tapes Vol. 1 Spring now blooms across all seasons with the new Boulders tape. The duo plays a heavily flanged, reverb laden, abstracted version of hardcore, influenced in equal measure by Public Image Ltd., Jandek, Flipper, Boredoms, and Beat Happening. The A-side was recorded live at a show where a guy with a flipped bill and a nose piercing made fun of us for being too loud. The B-side was recorded in Cammy's Pain Cave on an undisclosed date.
Pro-tapes with gold imprinting and full color covers. $5ppd. E-mail for availability.
Presenting two film zines to shock, provoke, annoy:
Unholy Desire: A Personal Correspondence with Imamura
An open letter to the deceased Japanese master of transgressive film Shohei Imamura, in which library books are vandalized, the frame gets deconstructed, and papa gets fucked. Why become emotionally involved in a filmmaker who takes bestiality, incest, and female empowerment through sexual violence as his subjects? Will the human animal ever evolve? Should it? Emphasize the “personal” in the title. Cover printed on beautiful high quality card stock. Written to be read from right to left.
This is how it happened: A Proposed Screenplay
Read the film before you see it! The Manson family is played out, which is why writing about the Tate murders (or making a film about them) is an exercise in futility. Rather than be content to add to the heap of bullshit, the zine finds a new wrinkle in the possibility that the family filmed their murders and subsequently buried the film in Death Valley. What follows is an interrogation of snuff films, filmed death, real and fake, and the urge to see death. The zine presents and abstracted version of the “screenplay” using text and image both found in the film and exclusive to the print version. Film coming soon starring members of the Cult Maternal family!
Zines are $4 ppd. each or $6 ppd. for both.
E-mail cwlw1424(at)hotmail(dot)com to check for availability.